News, WHOI | January 31, 2017
ExxonMobil Adds Climate Expert to Its Board
The company has been criticized for its stance on climate change and initially opposed a shareholder proposal to include a climate expert on its board of directors.

ExxonMobil initially had opposed a proposal submitted by a shareholder to have a climate expert on its board. A 13 April 2016 letter from the company to its shareholders stated that “the Board is comprised of members with the credentials, proficiencies, and experience that enable the Board to effectively address climate-related issues.”
Reaction to Avery’s Election
A leader in the shareholder campaign on climate-related issues commented that the company’s move is significant. “We’ve seen Exxon’s gradual evolution from active denial of climate change to reluctant acknowledgement of its risks and now, its elevation in priority as an essential component of board management,” Fr. Michael Crosby of the Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order said in a statement. He is executive director of the Seventh Generation Interfaith Coalition for Responsible Investment. “Apart from the enormous environmental and social risks facing Exxon management, we, along with many other investors, believe a failure to adequately respond to climate risk disadvantages Exxon financially. This critical step demonstrates that the board recognizes the need for expertise in board discussions to address climate change.”
Climate Groups Weigh In
Avery’s election to the board received mixed reactions from groups focusing on climate change. “This is a little late in the game considering Exxon has known about climate change since the 1970s,” Jamie Henn, strategic communications director for, said in a statement. The nonprofit, based in Brooklyn, N.Y., is working to build a global climate movement. “It’s hard to believe this is little more than a PR stunt meant to pave over the decades the company spent deceiving the public about the crisis. We wouldn’t have given Philip Morris a pass for putting a doctor on their board and we aren’t going to let Exxon off the hook either. Exxon lied, people died, and they must be held accountable.”
However, John Topping, president of the Climate Institute, told Eos that Avery’s election “sounds like a very positive development.” The Washington, D. C.–based group works on climate change analysis and solutions.