
Featured Stories

  • Featured Stories, MIT, News | September 21, 2016

    An Autonomous Fleet for Amsterdam

    MIT, AMS Institute will collaborate to solve complex urban problems for Amsterdam with the development of autonomous "roboats."
  • Featured Stories, MIT, MIT EAPS, News | September 14, 2016

    Computing the Ocean’s True Colors

    Stephanie Dutkiewicz’ phytoplankton models project the future of the ocean as food source and carbon sink
  • Featured Stories, MIT News, News | September 7, 2016

    Study finds increased ocean acidification due to human activities

    More anthropogenic carbon in the northeast Pacific means weaker shells for many marine species.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, MIT Sea Grant, News | August 11, 2016

    Dean Alden Horn, former director of MIT Sea Grant College Program, dies at 95

    Retired U.S. Navy captain made many contributions to Arctic research and undergraduate marine education.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, News, WHOI | August 3, 2016

    The New York Times Follows Young Ocean Scientists Training in New England Waters

    New York Times Science reporter Nicholas St. Fleur joins a crew of young marine scientists as they train with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) aboard the R/V Atlantis for the second leg of a 2-week research cruise. Throughout the week, St. Fleur will be reporting live on Facebook on the team’s missions, the vessel and their discoveries happening off of New England’s eastern seaboard.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, News | July 27, 2016

    The Third Annual Meeting of the Ozone and Climate Project

    Oceanographers, marine biogeochemists, atmospheric scientists and climatologists from across the world converged on MIT for the third annual meeting of the Ozone and Climate Project, which aims to understand the Antarctic ozone hole’s impact on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, and its importance in the global picture of climate change.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, News | June 13, 2016

    Solving the Mystery of the Antarctic’s Missing Heat

    Around the globe, ocean surface temperatures have been rising due to global warming, but the seas around Antarctica haven’t changed much. Now, researchers may have discovered why.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, News | June 11, 2016

    The Value of Community Engagement with Climate Science

    Climate change is arguably one of the biggest challenges that humanity will ever face, and so outreach by climate scientists is a large step towards developing an informed society equipped to address it.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, News | June 3, 2016

    Response of Global Climate to the Antarctic Ozone Hole

    A distinguished group of meteorologists, oceanographers and climatologists will assemble at MIT on June 7-8th, 2016 for the third annual progress meeting of the NSF-supported Ozone and Climate Project, which aims to understand the role of the Antarctic ozone hole and its importance in the global picture of climate change.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, MIT News | May 20, 2016

    Study Pinpoints Timing of Oxygen’s First Appearance in Earth’s Atmosphere

    Beginning 2.33 billion years ago, atmospheric oxygen built up in just 10 million years.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, News | May 6, 2016

    New Antarctic Ice Sheet Physics Could Explain Ancient Sea Levels and Predict Future Ones

    Oceans at MIT sits down with glaciologist Christian Schoof to discuss how "ice cliff collapse" in Antarctica could have produced the Pliocene's high sea levels.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, MIT EAPS, News | May 3, 2016

    EAPS Dives into the Pale Blue Dot at the 2016 Cambridge Science Festival

    For MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), every day is Earth Day. But on April 22nd, 2016, they were excited to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for it with the greater Boston community at the MIT Museum during the Cambridge Science Festival.
  • Featured Stories, MIT News | April 28, 2016

    MIT outlines progress on its five-year climate action plan

    Progress report underscores strong collaboration across campus to address climate change.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, News | April 28, 2016

    Oceans Alive!: Trawling in the Charles

    Ahead of the 2016 Cambridge Science Festival and MIT’s centennial celebration, postdocs from MIT’s EAPS and PAOC chartered a sailboat to collect plankton from the Charles River. Here, they had a chance to interact with the organisms and environment that they model and would discuss with visitors the next day.
  • Featured Stories, MIT | April 14, 2016

    Southern Ocean Cooling in a Warming World

    In contrast to environmental changes due to global warming, new research from MIT’s Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate indicates that Antarctica and the Southern Ocean may be experiencing a period of cooling before warming takes over. And the culprit might be the ozone hole rather than greenhouse gases.
  • Featured Stories | March 7, 2016

    Research Takes Center Stage at MIT Climate Symposium

    At MIT on Climate=Science + Action, speakers examined what we know, what’s left to learn, and the diverse climate-related research happening throughout the institute—from exoplanets to the deep ocean and everything in between.
  • Featured Stories, WHOI | February 26, 2016

    Life in the Hot Seat

    This is the final article of a three-part series covering the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences lectures on “Life in the Ocean.”
  • Featured Stories | February 15, 2016

    Chasing Whales

    Thanks a variety of robotic instruments, researchers are using information about whale behavior to decrease ship strikes and other human-caused mortality events.
  • Featured Stories | February 8, 2016

    Predators in the Plankton

    WHOI researcher Matt Johnson studies three plankton species that illustrate just how wonderfully weird and complex life in the ocean can be.
  • Featured Stories | February 3, 2016

    AGU Spotlights MIT Synthesis of Ocean Circulation Research

    A new MIT study takes stock of what we know and what’s still uncertain about AMOC variability and its role in global climate.
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