Marine Fisheries
Chryssostomos Chryssostomidis
Director, MIT Sea Grant, Doherty Professor of Ocean Science and Engineering Professor of Mechanical & Ocean Engineering Home Phone: 617 253-7131 Personal Email: Interest Areas: autonomous underwater vehicles Website WebsiteDevelopment of technology and systems for advanced autonomous surface and underwater vehicles.
Glenn Flierl
Professor of Oceanography Home Phone: (617) 253-4692 Personal Email: Interest Areas: physical oceanography, eddies Website WebsiteOceanic eddies and their impacts upon the distribution of tracers and on the biology of the sea.
Nicolas Makris
Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering Home Phone: (617) 258-6104 Personal Email: Interest Areas: engineering, remote sensing Website WebsiteOcean exploration, remote sensing of marine life and geophysical phenomena, census of marine life, ocean acoustics, and hurricane classification.